09 11月 ‘Web Summit, Dublin 2014’ – Highlighting the need for Intellectual Property education.
Acumass exhibited at the Web Summit in the RDS, Dublin, this week. It was the intention of the company to simply have a presence in order to check out all of the innovative and exciting startups showing at the event whilst also taking in some of the excellent speakers giving talks to the 20,000 attendees over the course of a three day summit, the reality was that the Acumass team realised very quickly during the first day of the summit that Intellectual Property was not only a murky area of misinformation for the young entrepreneurs in attendance but something they had a genuine desire to educate themselves about. What began as a casual representation of the management/payment service Acumass offers IP portfolio holders, suddenly became an educational affair for the team representing the brand.
The Acumass team met with so many talented and innovative young people most of whom had no idea how to go about protecting their inventions or themselves from a legal point of view, some of whom had no understanding of their rights to own their work or what it would mean for them if they didn’t take those steps.
It became clear to Acumass representatives that there is a real need right now on behalf of IP officials and legal firms built up of patent attorneys to create awareness and opportunities to educate the public on intellectual property matters. Innovation itself is at an all time high thanks to the entrepreneurial nature of the youth population and this very obvious surge of creative talent can not be left to suffer the consequences of an industry which for the most part only opens itself up to young inventors who have enough finance to seek legal guidance through patent attorneys. It is the duty of those working within IP to make sure we assist the youth by providing free information and clear, tangible strategies for millennials.
Acumass would like to highlight the very real lack of information that our youth are operating successfully in despite of and encourage our clients and comrades alike to take the initiative and provide free talks at universities/colleges to simplify Intellectual Property and the aspects of it which will inevitably affect any inventor during the early days of their career.
News of the wifi meltdown was covered over a wide range of media outlets during the event, and although it was an amazingly bad move on behalf of the venue, it didn’t dampen spirits for long, everywhere you looked was another excellent invention, another breakthrough app, another innovative thinker, the atmosphere generated by throwing 20,000 people under the one roof who all have the same thirst for contributing to the human experience in a positive way was electric, the event could have organised itself, it was the people in attendance which made it a very inspiring affair. Acumass would like to thank each and every person who stopped by our stall for a chat, we made some very exciting new contacts! Hopefully next year there can be a free of charge legal team available to sit down with young entrepreneurs and give them the education they so obviously want with regards to Intellectual Property, or at the very least, give a patent attorney the stage for a talk about the steps an inventor can take to protect a project.
Congratulations to everybody involved, attending the Web Summit was a wonderful way to spend three days in Ireland.