28 10月 Patent trolls are on the decline.
According to a new report released today, there has been a significant drop in the number patent trolls pursuing suits. Unified Patents released figures today outlining the decline and suggest it comes as a result of the decisions made this Summer by the US Supreme Court in relation to the Alice v. CLS Bank case. “We cannot be clear as to the causation, but can make some good guesses, which include Alice and the America Invents Act.” – Unified Patents COO, Shawn Ambwani.
The Unified Patents release today showed that of the 1,124 new patent lawsuit filings made in the last quarter, 554 of those cases were filed by non-practicing entities which is a whopping 10% decrease on last year’s figures for patent troll filings. Mathew Levy of the Computers and Communications Industry; however, warns that patent trolls will use this information in an attempt to show that the problem no longer exists “The fact that patent trolls are pausing slightly to assess the changing landscape is hardly a reason to celebrate victory.”