05 1月 Happy New Year to our Clients, Peers and Comrades.
2014 proved to be a very exciting year for Acumass, we expanded our presence into the American market with an establishment in San Francisco, we crawled out from underneath our workloads to enjoy interacting with our clients and fellow IP professionals across our newly established social media platforms and we were lucky enough to meet truly brilliant people at a variety of different conferences over the course of the year from AIPPI Toronto to Web Summit Dublin.
We’d like to extend the most sincere gratitude to both our new and existing clients for trusting in our service and making our jobs an absolute joy for us through our interactions with you.
On behalf of the entire Acumass team – Happy new year to you all, we hope 2015 brings happiness, prosperity and peace to you and yours.
Best wishes,
The Acumass team.